Welcome to the
Tidewater Angler's Club
"A fishing tradition since 1941"


Follow us on our Facebook Page!

Next Meeting Date:
Tuesday, December 10th at 7:00pm.

Speaker: TBD

Location: Bayside Presbyterian Church at the intersection of Independence
Boulevard and Ewell Road in Virginia Beach, Virginia

NOTE: The Club's new email address is: tidewateranglers@gmail.com







We welcome everyone to our monthly meetings to enjoy the fellowship and
helpful tips from our expert speakers.

We welcome new Members!

Tidewater Angler's Club was established in 1941 to promote conservation
of marine fish and legislation to benefit anglers and angling.

The Club meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM at
Bayside Presbyterian Church at the intersection of Independence
Boulevard and Ewell Road in Virginia Beach, Virginia

2024 Club Officers

President Dennis Bagley
1st Vice President Charles Fayton
2nd Vice President Billy Sugg Jr.
Secretary Grant Harter
Treasurer Bob Mandigo

Board Members

Mike Williams Skip Santti
David Jernigan Carl Herring
Ken Lane David Gard
John Powers George Kurz
Guy Flibotte